2007 Publications (8)

[1].Jinwei Hu, Ruixuan Li, Zhengding Lu.  Establishing RBAC-based Secure Interoperability in Decentralized Multi-domain  Environments. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information  Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2007), LNCS 4817, Seoul, South Korea, 2007, pp.  49-63 (Acceptance rate: 20.5%, 26/127)

[2].Ruixuan Li, Guangcan Yu, Zhengding Lu, Wei Song.  P2P-based Locking in Real-Time Collaborative Editing Systems. Proceedings of  the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in  Design (CSCWD 2007), IEEE Computer Society, Melbourne, Australia, April 2007,  pp. 24-29

[3].Zhuo Tang, Ruixuan Li, Zhengding Lu, Zhumu Wen.  Dynamic Access Control Research for Inter-operation in Multi-domain Environment  Based on Risk. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Information  Security Applications (WISA 2007), LNCS 4867, Jeju Island, Korea, 2007, pp.  277-290

[4].Zhuo Tang, Ruixuan Li, Zhengding Lu. A Request-Driven  Role Mapping for Secure Interoperation in Multi-Domain Environment. Proceedings  of the IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing  Workshops (NPC 2007) -The 1st IFIP International Workshop on Network and System  Security (NSS 2007), IEEE Computer Society, Dalian, China, 2007, pp. 83-90

[5].Li Kai, Lu Zhengding, Li Ruixuan, Tang Zhuo.  Agent Based Automated Trust Negotiation Model. Journal of Southeast University  (English Edition), 2007, 23(3): 469-473

[6].LU Zhengding, WEN Zhumu, TANG Zhuo, LI Ruixuan.  Resolution for Conflicts of Inter-Operation in Multi-Domain Environment. Wuhan  University Journal of Natural Sciences, Springer, 2007, 12(5): 955-960

[7].JI Yong, LI Rui-xuan. A Risk Correlation Method  of Interoperation in the Multi-Autonomous Domain Based on Fuzzy Evaluation.  Computer Engineering and Science, 2007, 29(12): 107-110 (Chinese)

[8].YU Guang-can, LU  Zheng-ding, LI Rui-xuan, WANG  Zhi-guang, TANG Zhuo, SONG Wei. Pluggable Authentication and Access Control on  the Java Platform. Computer Engineering and Science, 2007, 29(2): 26-28  (Chinese)