Brief Curriculum Vitae

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Positions or Appointments
Research Interests
  • Big Data Management and Analysis
    • Big data mining and semantic link analysis
    • Big data storage, management and analysis
    • Hardware acceleration for big data processing
    • High performance web information retrieval
  • Cloud and Distributed Computing
    • Big data mining and semantic link analysis
    • Architecture and algorithm optimization in cloud computing
    • Distributed and parallel processing in cloud computing
    • Distributed data management in cloud computing
    • Cloud computing on emerging hardware devices
  • Distributed System Security
    • Security analysis in mobile systems and applications
    • Secure search over encrypted cloud data
    • Role engineering in access control
    • Distributed access control in multi-domains
    • Security policy optimization in distributed systems
    • Risk assessment in distributed systems
Professional Involvement
Awards Received
  • 2014, Research on Community Detection and Topic Modeling Technologies in Social Networks. Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor Award, Hubei Province, China
  • 2014, The 2nd Rank Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, HUST
  • 2012, Outstanding Leadership Award. The 7th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2012), Hong Kong
  • 2012, The Excellent Natural Science Academic Paper of Hubei Province, China.
  • 2011, Excellent Award, The 1st China Web Services Competition
  • 2009, Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Advisor Award, Hubei Province, China.
  • 2008, Outstanding Research Award, CS of HUST.
  • 2007, ACM SIGMOD 2007 Participation Award.
  • 2007, Technological Innovation Award, Hubei Province, China
  • 2007, Outstanding Research Award, CS of HUST.
  • 2006, Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, Hubei Province, China.
  • 2005, Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, HUST.
  • 2005, Excellent Paper Award, The 2005 Open Distributed and Parallel Computing Symposium (DPCS 2005), Shanghai, China.
  • 2004, The 2nd Rank Prize of Excellent Teaching Quality, HUST.
  • 2003, Excellent Member of Chinese Communist Party, HUST.
  • 2001, 2002, Research Assistantship from College of Computer Science, HUST.
  • 2000, Excellent Graduate of HUST.
  • 1999, Siemens Excellent Student Fellowship.
  • 1998,1999, Model Graduate Student of HUST.
  • 1997, Excellent Bachelor of HUST.
  • 1997, Excellent Thesis of HUST.
  • 1996, Guanghua Education Foundation Fellowship.
  • 1996, Model Student of HUST.
  • 1995, Excellent Learner of HUST.
  • 1994, Model Student of Department of Computer Science, HUST.
  • 1994, The 3rd Rank Prize of Advanced Mathematics Contest of HUST.
  • 1993, The Top Freshman Fellowship of HUST.
  • 2001, IBM Certified Developer - XML and Related Technologies.
  • 2000, IBM Certified Solutions Expert - DB2 UDB V6.1 Database Administration.
  • 2000, IBM Certified Specialist - DB2 UDB V6/V7 User.
  • 1999, Certificate of SCO China Joint Education Center.
  • 1999, Certificate of Informix Joint Training Center.
  • 1998, Certificate of Oracle Joint University.