Computer Science Journal Rankings

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Areas: [AI]  [Theory] [Architecture] [Database] [PL & SE] [Software] [System, Network & Security] [Misc]

AREA: Artificial Intelligence and Related Subjects

          Artificial Intelligence
          Artificial Intelligence Review
          Computational Linguistics
          IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intl
          IEEE Trans on Robotics and Automation
          IEEE Trans on Image Processing
          Journal of AI Research
          Neural Computation
          Machine Learning
          Intl Jnl of Computer Vision

          ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing
          AI Magazine
          Annals of Mathematics and AI
          Applied Artificial Intelligence
          Applied Intelligence
          Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
          Autonomous Agents and  Multi-Agent Systems
          Computational Intelligence
          Complex Systems
          Computer Speech and Language
          Computer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
          Computer Vision and Image Understanding
          Connection Science
          CVGIP: Graphical Models & Image Processing
          CVGIP: Image Understanding
          Expert Systems with Applications: An Intl Jnl
          IEEE Trans on Neural Networks
          IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Proc
          IEEE Trans on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Part A & B
          Intl Jnl on Artificial Intelligence Tools
          Jnl of Experimental & Theoretical AI
          Journal of East Asian Linguistics
          Knowledge Engineering Review
          Machine Translation
          Neural Networks
          Network Computing in Neural Systems
          Pattern Analysis and Applications
          Pattern Recognition
          User Modelling & User-Adapted Interaction: an Intl Jnl

          Communications of COLIPS
          Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages
          Computers and Artificial Intelligence
          Cybernetics and Systems
          Engineering Intelligent Systems for EE and CS
          Expert Systems
          Evolutionary Computation
          Intelligent Instruments & Computers
          Intl Jnl for AI in Engineering
          Intl Jnl of Applied Expert Systems
          Intl Jnl of Approximate Reasoning
          Intl Jnl of Intelligent Systems
          Intl Jnl of Neural Systems
          Intl Jnl of Pattern Recognition & AI
          Intl Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition
          IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
          Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
          Knowledge Acquisition Jnl
          Knowledge-Based Systems
          Natural Language Engineering
          Neural Computing & Applications
          Network Society
          Neural Processing Letters
          Pattern Recognition Letters
          IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal Proc
          Speech Communications
          Journal of Neural Network Computing
          Minds and Machines: Jnl for AI, Philosopy and Cog. Sc
          Intl Jnl of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and KBS
          Heuristics: Jnl of Knowledge Engineering
          Engineering Applications of AI
          Jnl. of Japanese Soc. of AI
          Australian Jnl of Intelligent Information Proc Sys
          Intelligent Data Analysis
          Image and Vision Computing
          Journal of Artificial Neural Networks
          Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations

      AIAA Journal
      Canadian Artificial Intelligence
      Journal of Advanced Robotics
      Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
      Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Automation, and Manufacturing
      Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Complex
      Journal of Computational Acoustics
      Journal of Computational Neuroscience
      Journal of Computational Vision
      Journal of Card. Imaging
      Journal of Cybernetics
      Journal of Cybernetics and Information Science
      Journal of Design Automation of Embedded Systems
      Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems
      Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications
      Journal of Systems Automation: Research and Applications
      Journal of Automation and Remote Control
      Journal of Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing
      Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems
      Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
      Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
      Journal of Intelligent Systems Engineering
      Journal of Intelligence System
      Journal of Intelligent Technology
      Journal of Literary and Linguistic Computing
      Journal of Machine Vision and Applications
      Journal of Man-Machine Studies
      Journal on Neural and Mass-Parallel Computing and Information Systems
      Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
      Journal of Robotic Systems
      Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems
      Journal of Robotics Research
      Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan
      Journal of Computational Neurology
      International Journal of Lexicography
      Journal of intelligent Computing
      International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management
      International Journal of Speech Technology
      Engineering Design and Automation Journal
      International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacturing
      International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
      Journal of Chinese Information Processing

AREA: Algorithms, Theory and Related Areas

          Computational Complexity
          Discrete & Computational Geometry
          IEEE Trans on Information Theory
          Information & Computation
          Jnl of Algorithms
          Jnl of Computer and System Sciences
          Jnl of the Association for Computing Machinery
          SIAM Jnl on Computing
          Mathematics of OR

          Acta Informatica
          Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science
          Computational Logic (TOCL)
          Designs, Codes and Cryptography
          Jnl of Symbolic Computation
          Journal of Automated Reasoning
          Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
          Journal of Complexity
          Journal of Cryptology
          JOTA - J. of Optimization: Theory and Applications
          Mathematics of Computation
          Mathematical Programming
          Optimization: A J. of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research
          ORSA Journal of Computing
          Nordic J of Computing (BIT)
          SIAM Journal on Optimization
          Random Structures & Algorithms
          Theoretical Computer Science

          Applicable Algebra in Eng., Comm., and Computing
          Applied Maths and Computation
          BIT: Computer Science and Numerical Mathematics
          Bulletin of the European Assoc. for Theoretical CS
          Computational and Applied Maths
          Computers & Mathematics With Applications
          Combinatorics, Probability & Computing
          European Journal of OR
          Journal of Computer and System Sciences International
          Intl Jnl of Foundations of Computer Science

      Problem Solving Technologies
      Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
      Journal of Combinatorial Designs
      Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
      Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
      Journal of Electronic Imaging
      Intl J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering
      SIAM Journal of Algorithms and Discrete Methods
      SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods
      SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
      SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
      Naval Journal of Operations Research
      Journal of Scheduling
      Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
      Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing
      Journal of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
      International Journal on Mathematical and Computer Models
      Journal of Global Optimization
      Journal of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

AREA: Hardware and Architecture

          IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems I
          IEEE Trans on Computers
          Integration: The VLSI Jnl
          VLSI Design

          IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems II
          Jnl of Microcomputer Applications
          Microprocessing and Microprogramming

          Computer Design
          Digital Processes
          Electronics Letters,
          EUROMICRO Jnl
          Jnl of Circuits, Systems and Computers
          Jnl of Electronics, Information and Systems
          Microprocessors and Microsystems
          IEEE Journal on Computer Architectures for Intelligent Machines

      Signal Processing
      Technical Journal of Digital Equipment Corporation
      The Linux Journal
      IBM Application System/400 Technology Journal
      Journal of System Architecture
      NEC Technical Journal
      International Journal of Computer Aided VLSI Design
      MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research
      Standards and Interface Journal
      International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers
      Journal of Microelectronic Systems Integration
      User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
      The X Resource: A Practical Journal of the X Window System
      Hewlett-Packard Journal

AREA: Databases

          ACM Trans on Database Systems
          IEEE Trans on Knowledge & Data Engineering
          Jnl of Intell. Info Systems: Integrating AI and DB Tech
          VLDB Intl Jnl
          Distributed and Parallel Databases

          Data & Knowledge Engineering
          Information systems
          Jnl of Systems Integration
          Jnl. of Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery
          Intl Jnl of Computer & Information Sciences
          Intl Jnl of Cooperative Information Systems
          Intl Jnl of Intelligent & Cooperative Info. Systems
          Intl Jnl of Geographic Information Systems
          Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics
          Journal on Digital Libraries
          Journal of the American Society for Information Science
          Journal of Intelligent Information Systems

          Data Engineering
          Knowledge and Information Systems
          Advances in Engineering Software
          Information & Software Technology
          Data Base
          Data Base Management
          Database and Network Journal
          Journal of Data Warehousing
          Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences
          International Journal of Information Technology
          Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan
          SIGMOD Record
          IEICE Data Engineering

          Journal of Computing Information Science
          Journal of Information Science and Engineering
          European Journal of Information Systems
          Journal of Databases Management
          Database for Advances in Information Systems
          Data Management
          Government Data Systems
          Journal of Database Administration
          Journal of the Association for Education Data Systems
          Information Processing and Management
          Journal of Information Science: Principles and Practice
          Database Programming and Design
          Scandinavian Journal of Information System

AREA: Programming Languages and Software Engineering

          ACM Trans on Programming Languages & Systems
          Annals of Software Engineering
          IEEE Trans on Software Engineering
          Jnl of Functional Programming
          ACM Trans on S/W Eng and Methodology
          Formal Methods in System Design

          The Jnl of Logic Programming
          IEE Procs - Software
          Jnl of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice
          Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation (previously known as
          LISP and Symbolic Computation)
          Software: Practice and Experience
          Jnl of Functional and Logic Programming
          The Constraints Journal
          Journal of Logic and Computation
          Journal of Programming Languages
          Empirical Software Engineering
          Automated Software Engineering
          Formal Aspects of Computing
          Object-Oriented Systems
          Theory and Practice of Object Systems
          Journal of Object-Oriented Programming
          IEEE Transactions on Reliability
          Future Generations Computer Systems: FGCS

          Programming and Computer Software
          Science of Computer Programming
          Jnl of Systems and Software
          Intl Jnl on Software Engineering and Knowledge Eng
          New Generation Computing
          Software Quality Journal
          Software Testing, Verification and Reliability
          Computer Languages
          Requirements Engineering Journal
          IEE Software Engineering Journal
          Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logic
          Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
          Journal of Computer and Software Engineering
          Journal of Structured Programming
          International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
          Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research
          Journal of Computing Systems in Engineering
          Journal of Symbolic Logic
          Project Management Journal
          International Journal of Reliability, Quality, and Safety
          Journal for Applied Nonclassical Logic
          The Journal of Defense Software Engineering
          Computer & Control Engineering Journal
          Journal of Logic, Language and Information
          Computer Systems Engineering Journal
          Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics
          The C Users Journal
          Information Design Journal
          Java Developer's Journal
          C++ Journal
          Fortran Journal
          Journal of Scientific Programming
          Logic Journal of the IGPL
          Journal of Philosophical Logic
          Journal of Quality Technology
          International Journal of Technology Management
          Software Process Modeling and Technology
          Journal of Computers and Translation
          Journal of C Language Translation
          Journal of Electronic Testing
          Software Engineering Notes

AREA: Software Technology

          ACM Trans on Graphics
          ACM Trans on Modeling & Computer Simulation
          Computer Aided Geometric Design
          Computer-Aided Design
          IEEE Trans on CAD of Integrated Circuits & Systems
          IEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer Graphics
          SIAM Jnl on Scientific and Statistical Computing
          Multimedia Systems
          Performance Evaluation
          Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

          Computers & Education
          ACM Trans on Mathematical Software
          Intl Jnl of Modelling & Simulation
          Intl Jnl of Shape Modelling
          Intl Jnl on Computational Geometry & Apps
          Simulation & Games
          Simulation & Gaming
          Visual Computer
          Computational Geometry - Theory and Applications
          Multimedia Tools & Applications
          Intl Jnl in Computer Simulation
          Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering
          Information Retrieval

          Computer Graphics Forum: Jnl of the Europ As. for CG
          Computer & Graphics
          Intl Jnl of Applied Software Technology
          Jnl of Computational and Applied Mathematics
          Mathematical and Computer Modelling
          Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
          International Journal of Computer Mathematics
          Simulation Practice and Theory
          The New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia: Apps & Res
          Trans of the Intl Assoc for Math and Comps in Simuln
          Computer Simulation: Modeling & Analysis
          Trans of the Society for Computer Simulation
          Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
          Engineering Computations
          Software - Concepts and Tools
          Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation
          The International Journal of The Eurographics Association

      Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
      Journal of Digital Imaging
      Journal of Concurrent Engineering: Applications and Research
      Digital Technical Journal
      Interface Journal of New Music Research
      SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging
      The Journal of Electronic Commerce
      Journal of Graphics Tools
      International Journal of Information Processing and Management
      Journal of Library Automation
      The Journal of Computer Game Design
      Journal of Documentation
      Virtual Prototyping Journal
      Journal of Computing and Information Technology
      SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
      Journal of Computer Aided Surgery
      Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
      Journal of the Virtual Reality Society
      Journal of Virtual Reality Research, Development and Applications
      Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics

AREA: System Technology (including Network and Security)

          IEEE Trans on Communications
          Jnl of Parallel and Distributed Computing
          ACM Trans on Computer Systems
          IEEE/ACM Trans on Networking
          ACM Trans on Information Systems
          IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems
          Distributed Computing
          IEEE Jnl on Selected Areas in Communication
          International Journal of Parallel Programming
          Computer Networks (Previously "& ISDN Networks")
          Real-time Systems

          Internet Research - Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
          Computer Communications
          Jnl of Computer Communications
          Jnl of Network and Computer Applications
          Parallel Computing
          Mobile Networks and Applications
          Jnl of High Speed Networks
          Wireless Networks
          Queueing Systems
          The Intl Jnl of Supercomputer Applications
          Concurrency - Practice and Experience
          IEEE Journal of Internet Computing
          ACM Transactions on Information and System Security

          Computers & Security
          IEE Proc. - Communications
          IEICE Trans on Fundamentals of Elec., Comm., and Comp.
          IEICE Trans on Communications
          Mobile Computing and Communicatons Review
          Distributed Systems Engineering Jnl
          Intl Jnl of High Speed Computing
          World Wide Web Journal
          Electronic Networking
          Intl Jnl of Communication Systems
          Signal Processing: Image Communication
          Telecommunication Systems
          International Journal of Systems Science
          Journal of Cryptography
          Internet Security Journal
          Journal of Networks and Systems Management
          International Journal of Wireless Information Networks
          An Interactive Journal of Mobile Computing

       Information & Systems Technology
       Jnl of Computer Security
       Parallel Processing Letters
       IBM Systems Journal
       The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking
       USENIX Computing Systems Journal
       AT&T Technical Journal
       Journal of Internetworking: Research and Experience
       Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal
       Computer Music Journal
       Journal of Computer-based Instruction
       ICL Technical Journal
       International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
       International Journal of Digital and Analog Communication System
       Journal of Supercomputer Application of High Performance Computing
       Journal of Decision Support Systems
       Journal of Computer Research and Development
       British Telecommunications Technology Journal
       The Journal of Interactive Media and Education
       International Journal of Time-Critical Computing Systems
       International. Journal of CAD/ CAM & Comp. Graphics
       Educational Communication and Technology Journal
       The International Journal on the Development and Application of Standards for Computers, Data Communications and Interfaces
       Journal of Electronic Publishing
       Web Journal
       Microsoft Systems Journal
       Journal of Data & Computer Communication
       Journal of Supercomputing
       Journal of Imaging Technology
       INESC Journal on Junior Activities in Science and Technology
       The Journal of Electronic Data Interchange
       ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
       International Journal of CIM
       International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications
       Journal of Digital Systems
       IVHS Journal
       Journal Design Automation and Fault Tolerant Computing
       Journal of the American Voice I/O Society
       Journal of the Communications Research Lab
       International Journal of Construction information Technology
       Journal of Computer Communication Review
       Real-Time Imaging Journal
       Journal of Lightwave Technology
       Journal of Advanced Automation Technology
       Journal of Technology Transfer
       TI Technical Journal
       Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
       Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
       The journal of the Interactive Multimedia Association
       Transputer Communication Journal
       Bell System Technical Journal
       Journal of Combinatorial Designs
       Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
       Journal of Reliable Computing
       Journal of Digital Library Research

AREA: General Computer Science and Related Journals

          Jnl of the American Medical Informatics Assoc (JAMIA)
          Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A & B)
          SIAM Jnl on Discrete Mathematics
          Operations Research

          Communications of the ACM
          ACM Computing Surveys
          Procs of the IEEE
          Information Processing Letters
          IBM Journal of R & D
          Computers in Biomedical Research
          Methods of Information in Medicine
          Medical Decision Making
          International Journal of General Systems
          Adaptive Behavior
          Discrete Applied Mathematics
          Discrete Mathematics
          Journal of Computational Biology
          Journal of Molecular Biology

          Computer Journal
          Computer Applications in the BioSciences: CABIOS
          Fuzzy Sets and Systems
          IBS Computing Quarterly
          Information Sciences
          Intl Jnl of Computer Applications in Technology
          Intl Jnl of Computer System Science & Engineering
          Medical Informatics
          International Journal of Medical Informatics
          Jnl of Computer Science and Technology
          Jnl of Computing and Information
          Jnl of Information Processing
          Australian Computer Jnl
          Journal on Universal Computer Science
          IEICE Trans on Infomation and Systems
          Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
          Computers in Biology and Medicine
          Finite Fields and their Applications
          Instructional Science