Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                                           December 4th, 2000.

1. General

1.1. What is this project about, in general? What is its context?

Suppose you want to create an application which reads and writes files  over the Internet.
The remote file system is in a certain host, while your application resides in a local host, separated by a network. Your goal is to make it possible for your local application to be able to read and write data in a file system at a remote site.

1.2. What basic components are to be made? What are their requirements in brief?

Assuming the network runs TCP/IP (which is usually the case) and using Java, you can achieve your goal by making the following components:

  1. A server-side file system (which directly reads and writes data to files, based on commands sent over the network). This component can use standard Java APIs for file operations and for network communication, and, once run, will always be listening to a request at a certain port on the host in which it is running.
  2. A client-side file system (which accepts requests from a client, translates them into commands sent over a network to (1), receives data and returns it to the client. This part may also involve a caching mechanism. This is realised as an API which YOU implement as a Java class which is imported by a client in order to use the file server.

The main thrust of the coursework is for you to realise these two components so that they can offer basic file operations over the internet, however far away a remote file resides.

We ask for (1) to be STATELESS, and (2) to offer a specified API.  In stage 2, (2) should
incorporate cache mechanisms. For details, see the spec.

1.3. Should we implement concurrency control, read-write locks, etc.?

These are excluded from the requirements, to avoid giving you too much work. In general, adding these mechanisms soundly could result in additional marks. However not having them does not result in any deduction in marks.

1.4. What are the best references to read for understanding what to make?

The textbook CDK3 and my specification. For caching mechanisms, the textbook has detailed coverage (NFS and Andrew are the two best references).

1.5. In the specification, Stage 2 is divided into two phases. Why so?

Stage 2 is about making a cache mechanism. In case you are short of time but you wish to have a clear achievement, I divided this into (A) caching without a cache coherence mechanism (updates may not be reflected) and (B) caching with consistency (updates would be reflected, either by the client-side using last modified time/staleness, or by the server-side using call-backs (or other means if you think appropriate).  If you only implement (A), then you should also present the design for (B) on the basis of your implementation.

If (A) and (B) are working perfectly with sound design and documentation, then that is the best. The next is only (A) with sound and clear design. Then third best is to do a sound and implementable design for (A) and (B). In the last case, you should really be concrete about the design, or you may not get substantial marks.

2. File Paths and File Handles.

2.1. Are there two kinds of file handles: on the server-side and the client-side?

Yes, in general. On the server side, file handles identify individual files. On the client side, file handles (which clients use) are used for each client to issue their operations without specifying file names. A server can return its own file handle to a client, but this is not in general necessary since a socket identifies a file with which the client-side file system intertacts with the server-side. Returning server file handles is not recommended because it is not secure!

I specified the internal structure of file handles on the client-side (see This can be changed provided that the same interface is offered to client programs.

2.2. Should a directory file service be provided at the server-side?

No, this is not necessary. Implementing this is not so difficult, and it is good practice, so there could be additional marks for such functionality. In general, I recommend you to concentrate on the main, required, functionalities.

3. Write Operations.

3.1. Should the write be write-through?

If a server-side file system is issued a write, this should be write-through by default (as you learned). For the client-side, this can vary. The simplest idea is to make it always write-through, both at the client and the server side.  When you incorporate caching, you can also write on the cache, and use "flush" method (which you can additionally implement) to do the real writing. Whichever design you choose, specify clearly in the documentation.

3.2. How does a pointer move when writing?

It simply moves to the next byte of what you wrote.

3.3. Can a client do the read and write to the same file hanlde?

Yes, especially in the first stage. This would be different from commonly used file interfaces. A good reference for the standard file interface in Java is the Java 2 class FileOutputStream.

You can make your interface only for writing and only for reading, by specifying it when you open a file. This is not necessary, especially for Stage 1.  However this design option is also permitted.

4. Read Operations.

4.1. When there is a cache, how is read done?

There is no change in the server-side operation. For a client side, as you already learned, it reads from a cache if there is data there and it is not stale.

As I noted in the specification, you can cache the whole file in the client, or only part of it, according to your design choice.

4.2. How does a pointer move when reading?

It simply moves as a client reads on, in the same way as in the standard Java file read.

4.3. Need any server operations be stateful?

Not necessarily, but if you use call-backs for cache coherence, yes. It depends on your design choice.  Note server-side operations (which your client-side file system would use) can be changed, according to your needs. For example, I require them to be stateless (which is one of the aims of this project), but if you have really a very good argument then you would add/replace with stateful operations. In general, however, it is safer to use the stateless operations.

5.  Variations, Marking. etc.

5.1. Should I definitely use the default client?

You can use your own client and data, including measurement, but you should implement the same (or almost the same) API for a client as specified in FileSystemAPI. If you deviate from the specification, you should give arguments for your choice.

The bottom line is that your API should work with any client which uses it, with any data provided.

In the final testing, I will add more lines to the data, so that checking takes substantial time.

5.2. Can we share ideas/code with others?

For the main part of the sotware, you should make your own efforts. However discussions among friends are not dissuaded at all: acknolwedge such discussions. Further, if you do use another's class, you can acknowledge it. If your design is original and you use only a small part and acknowledge it, then it is fine.

Another possibility for code sharing is when you really wish to implement a challenging design. For example, if you want to make a fully functional Internet file system incorporating concurrency control, caching, locking etc., you can share your work and acknowledge which part one did. This is risky in terms of marking since, if this does not go well, I may not be able to give good mark at all. However if you and your friend are quite confident with each other's skills, this would be an option. In this case I restrict the number to two: make it clear about individual contributions, and you should contact me before embarking on this.

5.3 In the end how will marking be done?

I already wrote about this in the specification. I here add: the total does not exceed 20 marks, it is always better to have running code, documentation is considered (make it clear about your design choice).

6. Miscellaneous

6.1. Why does the current test client read data byte-byte-byte?

Simply I did not have much time. It would be better if it read data line-by-line. Change this as you like!

6.2. The read for the Client-side API and the one in fileSystemAPI differ. Why?

The read in the client-side API is stateful - it just reads a given number of bytes from the current file pointer. The read in the fileSystemAPI is stateless - it reads a given number of bytes from a given offest in the file.