讲座题目:Processing Location based Queries
at a Streaming Fashion
the past few years, the wide application of online map applications and
location based services has significantly changed the ways of our life. Today,
it is typical for us to search for directions or businesses on the Internet and
find our ways through navigation services using cell phones. Lots of the
location based services require providing answers to users continuously so that
the users can interact with the applications in real time. For example, a
tourist may ask for the nearest three restaurants to be reported continuously
while traveling in a city, so that he or she may choose one at any time. As the
answers may change over time, the continuous nature of the applications poses
new challenges on the methods for processing the queries with extremely high
efficiency. In this talk, we look at a few key strategies to process location
based queries in a streaming fashion such as incremental and shared
computation, safe regions, and time-constraint processing. These strategies are
illustrated through the algorithms to several important types of continuous
location based queries. We will also look at how the spatio-temporal queries
develop and what are the current research trends in this area.
Zhang is an Associate Professor and Reader at the University of Melbourne and
Assistant Dean (Collaboration) of Melbourne School of Engineering. He has been
awarded the prestigious Future Fellowship by the Australian Research Council in
2012. He obtained his Bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University in 2001 and
PhD from National University of Singapore in 2006. He has been a visiting
scholar in AT&T Labs-Research and Microsoft Research before and is now a
regular visiting researcher at Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing. He has
authored over 60 publications in prestigious conferences and journals. His
research interest is spatial and temporal data analytics, as well as general
database and mining techniques including indexing, moving object management,
data streams and sequence databases. He regularly serves as PC members of top
conferences in data management and mining such as SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE and KDD.
He is an associate editor of Distributed and Parallel Databases.