
Modeling semantic information in engineering applications: a review

  • 出版社:Springer
  • 页数::97-117
  • 出版年:2012

Abstract Due to the latest advances of information technology and the increasing complex-ity of engineering applications, it is becoming more and more important to model semanticinformation. There are many modeling methodologies to do the work of modeling semanticinformation instead of natural language processing. Since this ?eld is very broad, the com-parison discussed here is not an exhaustive study but rather the partial views of the coauthorsfrom our own perspectives. In the present paper we give a review of the literature of con-ceptual models especially static one and then classify them into four type models namelystructure-based model, object-oriented model, knowledge semantic-based model, and websemantic-based model. Based on the classi?cation given above, a hierarchy structured crite-ria is given. According to the criteria we pick one or two representative conceptual modelsfrom each type to conduct the comparison.We compare the following ?ve aspects of concep-tual models: expressivity, clarity, semantics, formal foundation, and application ?elds. Thecomparative study shows that different models have different features and ?t different ?eldsof engineering applications. The present comparison study is useful for users to understandand choose right conceptual models combining with speci?c requirements of engineeringapplications.

  • Semantic information ? Conceptual model ? Modeling semantic information