
(Database System Principle)

Introduction | Textbook | Lecture Notes | Handouts and Solutions | Projects | Recommended Readings | Useful Links |Homepage




1. 王珊,萨师煊. 数据库系统概论(第四版),北京:高等教育出版社,2006

2. Abraham Siberschatz, Henry F.Korth and S.Sudarshan. Database System Concepts (5th Ed.). China Machine Press, Mc Graw_Hill, 2005

3. Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom. A First Course in Database Systems (3rd Ed.), China Machine Press, Prentice Hall, 2008

Lecture Notes

Lecture Note 0.   Overview (PDF).
Lecture Note 1.   Introduction to Database Systems (PDF).
Lecture Note 2.   Relational Database System (PDF).
Lecture Note 3.   Structured Query Language - SQL (PDF). 
Lecture Note 4.   Database Security (PDF). 
Lecture Note 5.   Database Integrality (PDF). 
Lecture Note 6.   Relational Data Theory (PDF). 
Lecture Note 7.   Database Design (PDF).
Lecture Note 8.   Database Programming (PDF).
Lecture Note 9.   Relational Query Processing and Optimization  (PDF).
Lecture Note 10. Database Recovery (PDF).
Lecture Note 11. Concurrency Control (PDF).
Lecture Note 12. Database Project (PDF). 

Handouts and Solutions

Solutions to Exercise 1:  P37: 1, 3; P38: 12, 20, 22 
Solutions to Exercise 2:  P74: 5 (仅关系代数)
Solutions to Exercise 3:  P127: 3, 4 
Solutions to Exercise 4:  P148: 1
Solutions to Exercise 5:  P164: 1, 2, 6 
Solutions to Exercise 6:  P196: 12
Solutions to Exercise 7:  P234: 12, 13, 19
Solutions to Exercise 8:  P289: 1, 5
Solutions to Exercise 9:  P305: 1; P306: 9 (两个事务)

The guide to database experiments.

The guide to database projects.

There are some exercises for each lecture.  Download the flash version here.

Final Examination.


Here is a small project about The Shutter Shop.

Recommended Readings

1. A First Course in Database Systems ( Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom), Tsinghua University Press, Prentice Hall.
2. Database Systems: The Complete Book ( Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom), Tsinghua University Press, Prentice Hall.
3. An Introduction to Database Systems (C.J.Date), China Machine Press, Addison_Wesley.
4. Database System Implementation (Hector G. Molina, Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom), China Machine Press, Prentice Hall.
5. The Concepts of Database Management (Philip J.Pratt and Joseph J.Adamski), China Machine Press, Prentice Hall.
6. Database Processing - Fundamentals, Design and Implementation (David M. Kroenke), Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Prentice Hall.

Useful Links

If you are ready to be devoted to database systems, you should cherish these web sites which directs you to numerous precious web resource. 


 Here opens a forum for Database System Design. Welcome to it.

Ruixuan Li
College of Computer Science and Technology,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology 
Wuhan 430074, Hubei, P.R.China
Phone: 86-27-87544285