
(Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science)

Introduction | Textbook | Lecture Notes | Handouts and Solutions | Projects | Recommended Readings | Useful Links |Homepage


This course will take a philosophical and historical perspective on the development of theoretical computer science. From using a pile of stones to represent and manipulate numbers, humans have progressively developed an abstract vocabulary with which to mathematically represent their world. The ancients, especially the Greeks, realized that they could consistently reason about their representations in a step-by-step manner. In other words, by computing in abstract models, they could describe and predict patterns in the world around them.



1. Michael Sipser (著),唐常杰 陈鹏 向勇 刘齐宏(译),计算理论导引(第2版),机械工业出版社,2006

2. 董荣胜,故天龙
. 计算机科学与技术方法论. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2002(参考书)

Lecture Notes

Lecture Note 0.   前言 (PDF).
Lecture Note 1.   绪论 (PDF)
Lecture Note 2.   计算学科中的领域及科学问题 (PDF)
Lecture Note 3.   计算学科中的典型问题求解 (PDF)
Lecture Note 4.   烧饼排序问题 (PDF)
Lecture Note 5.   计算学科的三个学科形态 (PDF)
Lecture Note 6.   博弈论(组合博弈) (PDF)
Lecture Note 7.   计算学科中的数学方法 (PDF)
Lecture Note 8.   计算机学科中的核心概念 (PDF)
Lecture Note 9.   计算学科中的系统科学方法

Handouts and Solutions

Solutions to Exercise 1:   
Solutions to Exercise 2: 
Solutions to Exercise 3:   
Solutions to Exercise 4: 

Final Examination.


Here is a small project.

Recommended Readings

1. 黄德修主编,徐重阳,卢正鼎,朱光喜,孙德宝,张天序等参编. 信息科学导论. 北京:中国电力出版社,2001

2. 赵致琢.计算科学导论(第三版). 北京:科学出版社, 2004

3. (J. G. Brookshear)布鲁克希尔. 计算机科学概论(第9版).2007

4. Michael Sipser (著),唐常杰 陈鹏 向勇 刘齐宏(译),计算理论导引(第2版),机械工业出版社,2006

5. Michael Sipser,Introduction to the Theory of Computation(计算理论导引),机械工业出版社,2002

6. Harry R.Lewis,Christos H.Papadimtriou,Elements of The Theory of Computation (2nd Edition)(影印版),清华大学出版社

7. John E.Hopcroft,Rajeev Motwani,Jeffrey D.Ullman,自动机理论、语言和计算导论(第2版)(影印版),清华大学出版社

8. 董荣胜,故天龙. 计算机科学与技术方法论. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2002(参考书)

Useful Links

If you are ready to be devoted to database systems, you should cherish these web sites which directs you to numerous precious web resource. 


 Here opens a forum for Database System Design. Welcome to it.

Ruixuan Li
School of Computer Science and Technology,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology 
Wuhan 430074, Hubei, P.R.China
Phone: 86-27-87544285