
挪威阿哥德大学Andreas Prinz教授学术讲座通知

应IDC实验室李瑞轩教授邀请,挪威阿哥德大学(University of Agder)信息通讯技术系主任Andreas Prinz教授将于2011年11月2日上午10:00在计算机学院会议室(南一楼433)举办学术讲座,并于11月2日下午来实验室进行座谈与交流,欢迎广大师生参加。

讲座题目:Model-driven Compiler Technology

Classical compiler technology is geared towards producing high-quality compilers for stable languages.
However, with the advent of domain-specific languages, languages are no longer stable.
Therefore, compilers and other language tools have to be produced at a fast pace.
This presentation shows how this can be done using high-level language descriptions.
The basics of language descriptions are explained as well as aspects of languages.
Finally, the current challenges in this area are presented.


Andreas Prinz studied mathematics and computer science at the Humboldt-University
in Berlin, Germany, and received his M.Sc. in mathematics (1988) and Ph.D. in computer
science (1990) there. From 1990 to 2003 he had several positions at academic and
industrial institutions in Germany and Australia. Since 2003, he is professor at
University of Agder in Norway, where he became Head of the ICT department in 2007.
His research interests and competence include systems engineering with particular focus on
modelling, languages and formal methods. Prof. Prinz has worked in several projects
dealing with the development of modern ICT systems using advanced technology.

Contact Info:
Prof. Andreas Prinz
University of Agder
Head of ICT Department
Tel: +47 3723 3220
mailto: Andreas.Prinz@UiA.no