
Incorporating User Feedback into Name Disambiguation of Scientific Cooperation Network

  • 会议名称:The 12th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM 2011)
  • 举办地点: Wuhan,China
  • 举办日期:September 14-16, 2011
  • 页数: 454-466

In scienti?c cooperation network, ambiguous author namesmay occur due to the existence of multiple authors with the same name.Users of these networks usually want to know the exact author of a paper,whereas we do not have any unique identi?er to distinguish them. In thispaper, we focus ourselves on such problem, we propose a new methodthat incorporates user feedback into the model for name disambiguationof scienti?c cooperation network. Perceptron is used as the classi?er.Two features and a constraint drawn from user feedback are incorporated into the perceptron to enhance the performance of name disam-biguation. Speci?cally, we construct user feedback as a training stream,and re?ne the perceptron continuously. Experimental results show thatthe proposed algorithm can learn continuously and signi?cantly outperforms the previous methods without introducing user interactions.

  • Name Disambiguation;User Feedback;Scienti?c Cooperation Network;Perceptron, Constraint.